Our Team.
We have one of the most dedicated and knowledgable teams in the area. We are devoted to our mission and making sure everyone that walks through our doors feels welcome, wanted and excited.
Kelli Bult
Kelli is the founder and President of UCAN. She is a Certified Personal Trainer with National Strength and Conditioning. She has her level 1, 2 and master level training as an Adaptive Special Needs Trainer, as well as nutrition certification with Strong Education.
Brian Johnson
Brian is working towards his level 1, 2 and Master level training as an Adaptive Special Needs Trainer, as well as nutrition certification with Strong Education.
Mariah Decker
Mariah is UCAN head coach. Her background is in Special Education with emphasis in Autism.
Tennille Toussaint
Tennille is on of our regular volunteers for all group classes. She is an amazing mother of two and an avid member of Unique Fitness.
Our Board.
These are the people dedicated to making UCAN an amazing place.